Monday, August 15, 2011

My Rather Long Absence

Friends! I have been gone for awhile! Close to 3 months. I have missed blogging so much, so I am glad to return.
Shall I explain my absence?
You see, I tried to continue blogging around Robert and I split up, but it was quite difficult. I needed some time.
So, I stopped blogging and went on with my life. During this time period, Andrew and I moved in together, along with Caelyn, in June. For some people, they may freak and say that is so soon to move in together, but we are so happy! I guess maybe Andrew was right when he said we were meant to be together.. way back in high school!

So, Caelyn and I moved in with him and it has been wonderful.
Onto Robert... You won't see me mentioning him much in any future blog posts, except for random times because... he is not in Caelyn's life. I am sure I will post my feelings on this later, but it is extremely difficult. He himself has made this decision despite me begging for him to be in her life. He has told me that once Andrew and I marry, he wants to give up parental rights and allow Andrew to adopt Caelyn.
Oh well.. It is impossible to change his mind once it is set.

Meet Buddy!
We got him on the 4th of July. He was 14 months old. We love him! He is Caelyn's partner in crime, he is our second child, and the biggest baby ever! He is such an amazing addition to our family! We are truly blessed to have found such a perfect dog for our family.

Here is our first baby, the most precious one!

Caelyn is 18, almost 19, months old. She has an ever-growing vocabulary. She is just amazing! She cracks Andrew and I up on a daily basis and is such a loving little child.

I start school, my last year, on the 30th of this month and I am soooo dreading it!

But.. last year and I can do it.

Now, onto blogging... the name of this blog will probably change, who knows. I do plan on switching directions for it slightly. I plan on doing a lot of posting on budgets, cheap but yummy recipes (I love cooking even more lately!!), my ever-growing faith, and relationship/family life. I have many ideas and I hope to really work and expand this blog to its full potential.

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