Wednesday, September 22, 2010

I want to be supermom

First of all, I am back. I am sorry for the month delay. I started classes up again and really needed to get into the groove of things. I am sure you all missed me sooooo much! But, I am back, but in a more stressed out form of my former self.

Being a mother and a full time student is like having two full time jobs. It is extremely difficult. I definitely struggle. I feel like my plate is overfilled with things that I need to do and what I WANT to do. I need to still do things that I want to do otherwise; I know I will not be a happy person. I have picked up crocheting and I love it. I am about 1/4th finished making Caelyn an afghan. I am making pillows for our couch and Halloween colored tutus for Caelyn and Elsa. Crafting is something I truly enjoy.

My plate is full, as I said before. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday I have only one class which goes from 12 to 12:50. These are good days for me. Generally, my grandma comes over or she goes to her friend’s house down the road to play for an hour. Tuesday and Thursday are long days. My day starts at 6:30 when I wake up. I start class at 8am and I finish at 2pm.
Lets not forget that every day generally includes…. Dishes, laundry, cleaning, vacuuming, studying, homework, feeding the baby, cooking breakfast/lunch/dinner, giving baths, and going insane. Its just a long day in general. And somewhere in there, I fit time to sit down and crochet, surf, and check my facebook. I make grocery trips frequently because I would rather take multiple quick ones than one that takes 2 hours.

As the title of this post says, I really wish that I was supermom. I wish my house was spotless, laundry and dishes always done. I wish my house was perfectly decorated with tons of crafts that I have made myself. I wish I could dress Caelyn in outfits I made for her. I wish I could create perfectly balanced meals for our family. I wish I could start my day at 7am and not be exhausted. I wish I wasn’t a night owl that can’t fall asleep before midnight. I forgot to mention that I wish I was the perfect partner also. With everything else on my plate, my responsibilities to Robert fall to the bottom of the list. It is unfortunate but I think he realizes how much I love him. I want to make dinner for him and create a beautiful home for him. Trust me, I could eat Wendy’s everyday; I don’t need to make dinner for myself!

Ok, now that I have ranted and raved I hope to expand to some giveaways, but we will see how that goes. I also am going to include some personal reviews of items I have picked up and used, especially different diaper brands! I know that a lot of you lovely readers use cloth diapers for your kids, so I plan on including some reviews to show you new diapers.

Ok, that is the end of this post. I am going to go try to be supermom. When I figure out the trick and how to truly be supermom, I will let you know. If you know how to become so, please let me know. I will forever be in your debt.

1 comment:

  1. I know what you mean! I feel the same way...I want to be supermom but in reality I feel like I am a mediocre wife and biologist, a crappy housekeeper and a pretty good mom ;) I definitely can't get to everything!
