Friday, May 20, 2011

The Yummiest Pancakes!

Now that school is out.. I have been way into cooking again more. Before, it was hard to get up and make a full breakfast and get ready for class.

I have a box of pancake mix sitting in my cabinet never touched, but when I was looking through a new website I found, My Wooden Spoon, I found a recipe for Old Fashioned Homemade Pancakes!

Oh, be still my heart, these are delicious!

The recipe is:
1 egg
1 cup flour
3/4 cup milk (I use a bit more, closer to 1cup because I like it to be a bit thinner)
1 tbsp sugar
2 tbsp oil (I use veg oil or canola oil)
1/2 tsp salt

I cook them on my family sized griddle - an awesome Christmas present from my parents! - and set it on 300 degrees. Once they bubble up, I flip and they are done pretty quickly.

I like to add a few chocolate chips!

Lately, I have been doubling the recipe, making them all.. and then what we don't eat.. I put on a cookie sheet, freeze and them into a ziploc bag. Then, pop them into the toaster and they are a quick breakfast. I can't imagine buying the premade kind at the store! This is saving so much money, but yet, they are so much better than the ones there!

I like to pair with some bacon from our local meat market. Oh the bacon there can make you drool! It is amazing

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