Sunday, May 22, 2011

Sweet Springtime!

How can that face just not make you smile?!
This weekend was so much fun! Friday I worked, but Saturday turned out to be totally beautiful. Andrew was in a wedding, but Caelyn & I went down to his parents house to spend the day with his mother. Their backyard is paradise for children.. a swing set, so much room to play, bushes to play in, plus toys. Yup, my girl loved her time!

She has a sandbox there.. And my girl just loves to play in the sand. Its more that she likes to scoop it and throw it everywhere. But, its enjoyable and I just love to watch her.

Her favorite thing to do is swing! Donna, Andrew's mother, found this cute dolphin swing at the flee market for like $1!! They put it on their wooden swing set that his father and grandfather built when he was a kiddo.
At parks, she hates swings. I think that the sides make her feel insecure. But this thing provides hours of play. She can swing all day if someone will push her.
They have a little dog named Gracie and her and Caelyn are best friends. She "throws" the stick and tennis ball for her and Gracie follows Caelyn wherever she goes in the yard.
I just know that this summer is going to be sooo much fun for us. Last summer, she couldn't crawl yet, but now.. she is a ball of energy and fun. I guess I better get used to being outside because this girl from the time she wakes up wants to run outside and play.
This is the back back of their yard.. with Andrew's dad's barn in the back. They have a nice piece of land and she just likes to be able to wander around.

She is amazed by God's creation - nature. Everything just fascinates her. The trees, birds, flowers, and bushes are just fun to her. She loves to investigate and I find it so exciting to watch her learn. Her excitement when she points and says tree and is correct is just amazing. Her excitement is contagious. Our day went so fast, 6 hours outside flies by!

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