Andrew and I decided that on Monday we were going to 'officially' start preschool - as official as preschool can be.
We have had preschool in the works and been talking about it for awhile, but I have noticed that Caelyn truly needs some kind of structure to her day and adding in an hour of schooling has helped a lot throughout the day.
Preschool is pretty much fun - loosely based activities that aren't too structured. Its important to go with the flow of your child. Caelyn can do workbooks for hours on end if I let her. She just loves to learn.
Paper chain for the tree as well - doing crafts AND learning about patterns!
I love free printables! We printed out a few things from 1+1+1=1 and Confessions of a Homeschooler - both two AWESOME homeschooling blogs that I follow. We are working on the letter A - upper and lower case. She had to identify them inside of the apple.
A pattern with Mary, Joseph & baby Jesus. We made a big strip like this - working on patterns and we talked about the real meaning of Christmas. She is so excited for Jesus' birthday!
Grouping pictures into the correct box. She loved this.
We also have been doing some flash cards and work sheets, along with a lot of work book pages - tracing letters and such.
It's so heartwarming to see your child GET it. Today, she was reading a book after school and said "Mommy, this is an A and right here, and here, etc." She found all of the A's in the book - proud Momma!
We start school with a prayer and I am working in bible lessons as well. We may read a verse and I tell her what is about. Yesterday, we read a verse and talked about patience. She told me she has a hard time waiting for ice cream! Such a sweet heart this one has!
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